Sunday, 2 October 2011


People's blogs have always fascinated me. More than once I thought of blogging but decided to do at the right time and to be honest on something related to food, cooking and stuff like that. That's not exactly my area of expertise but more of my interests :) I buy more than 3 notebooks every year, to scribble my thoughts and to rant about things I don't like, through words. That's one of the simplest methods I follow to stay happy as I am right now and always have been (lol). It's almost a month since I penned down on my notebook. I was catching up with my friends on fb, spamming my friends timelines with music, jokes and my crazy thoughts. Now here I am finally deciding to blog. Nothing much in particular but just to keep myself busy while I sit all alone in my room listening to music wondering how I ever ended up at a place like this, Mysore. As heavenly the weather may be and peaceful the area where I'm staying, it fails to bring the magic in my life. So while I search for some changes around here, I'm also gonna learn the art of blogging. Many of my words are my own views and are not intended to offend anyone, unless a hypocrite or bigot reads it :)